July 20, 2023

Roundtable discussion - The impact of corruption on the rights of persons with disabilities

Corruption and discrimination go hand in hand. In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published a report highlighting how corruption and discrimination reinforce each other, leaving marginalized groups with little room to access public services, exercise their human rights, and live their lives with dignity.

This is an online arrangement. The seminar has closed captioning.
You can find the recording on the Atlas Alliance's Youtube channel.

One group particularly affected is Persons with Disabilities (PwD). A recent literature review conducted by Transparency International and U4 found that PwD are exposed to different forms of corruption, including petty corruption in service delivery, embezzlement of funds to benefit PwD, and extortion in the process of acquiring a disability certificate.

Unfortunately, more in-depth studies on the impact of corruption and discrimination on Persons with Disabilities (PwD) are missing. In 2020, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development called for more evidence-based research. Data on PwD experiences is key to challenging the discriminatory practices they encounter.

On 7 September 2023, U4, Norad, and the Atlas Alliance will host an online roundtable discussion on corruption’s impact on the rights of PwD. This event will be a space for activists, policymakers, and academia to deepen their cooperation for more effective research, advocacy, and policy advice on this matter.  

The objectives of the event are:

  1. To share research findings on the impact of corruption on the rights of PwD
  2. To provide a platform where PwD can share their experience on how corruption has affected their rights and well-being in various contexts.
  3. To discuss solutions for how to reduce the impact of corruption on the rights of PwD.


10.00 – 10.10 Welcoming Remarks; Gøril Mathisen, Head of Human Rights Section, Norad

10.10 – 10.20 Setting the context: corruption, discrimination, and marginalized groups; Matthew Jenkins, Research and Knowledge Manager, Transparency International

10.20 – 10.30 Setting the context: corruption, discrimination – their impact on groups who suffer from substance abuse and mental health illnesses; Daniela Cepeda Cuadrado, Adviser, U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre

10.30 - 10.40 Research findings – the impact of corruption on the rights of PWDs; Matthew Jenkins, Transparency International

10.40 – 11.10 How corruption affects PwD’s lives

  • Susan Njoka, Representative of Fibromyalgia Warriors Kenya support group
  • Esma Gumberidze, a young disability rights activist and expert, and member of UNODC’s GRACE Initiative Global Youth Advisory Group
  • Sugam Bhattarai, General Secretary of National Federation of the Disabled in Nepal

11.10 – 11.30 A way forward? Opportunities and strategies to mitigate corruption’s impact on PwD; Monica Kirya, Senior Adviser, U4

11.30 -11.50 Open discussions, Q&A. Facilitated by U4

11.50 -12.00 Concluding remarks; Harald Mathisen, Section for Governance and Transparency, Norad

Join the seminar

See also arrangement at Norad's webpage.
