Nothing about us without us!
Approximately 15 % of the world's population lives with disabilities, and the UN Capital Development Fund estimates that as many as 80 % of the world's disabled people live in poor countries. If we are to fight poverty in the world, then it is absolutely necessary to include the disabled. The Atlas Alliance is a collaboration between organizations of the disabled in Norway that work to promote the rights and improve the living conditions of people with disabilities in the Global South. A key principle for the Atlas Alliance is peer work: Disabled people's own organizations work together to promote equality, rights and inclusion.
The biggest obstacle to the inclusion of the disabled is stigma and negative attitudes in society. The Atlas Alliance contributes to the disabled themselves being able to fight for their rights by supporting and strengthening the disabled's own organizations in our partner countries. Our development aid work is divided into five thematic areas: Human rights and organizational development, inclusive education, health and rehabilitation, work and income, and crisis and conflict.
Political advocacy work is also central to the Atlas Alliance's activities. Both nationally and internationally, the rights and situation of the disabled are often overlooked when decisions are made. An important role for the Atlas Alliance is to ensure that the rights of disabled persons are protected both in the Norwegian context and in international development work.
In addition, the Atlas Alliance offers training and counselling to Norwegian and international aid organizations to help them achieve evident equality and the inclusion of the disabled in their international aid work.